Verse Of The Day

For devotion, prayer, and meditation

Romans 8:2 | [T]hrough Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:2

[T]hrough Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

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Psalm 8:1 | O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

Psalm 8:1

O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

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1 Corinthians 7:31 | For this world in its present form is passing away.

1 Corinthians 7:31

For this world in its present form is passing away.

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John 7:30-31 | [When Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, the people rejected his teaching, and] they tried to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come. Still, many in the crowd put their faith in him. They said, "When the Christ comes, will he do more miraculous signs than this man?"

John 7:30-31

[When Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, the people rejected his teaching, and] they tried to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come. Still, many in the crowd put their faith in him. They said, "When the Christ comes, will he do more miraculous signs than this man?"

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2 Samuel 7:29 | [King David was humbled that God had chosen him, and his "house," his descendants, to be on the throne forever. So, David responded:] "Now be pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, O Sovereign LORD, have spoken, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever."

2 Samuel 7:29

[King David was humbled that God had chosen him, and his "house," his descendants, to be on the throne forever. So, David responded:] "Now be pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, O Sovereign LORD, have spoken, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever."

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